Tuner & Piano Technician
How to buy a piano:
If you like to buy a piano in a store, by a web site, or from friends, it's very important that the piano has to be in good condition. There are few tips to help you to choose your instrument.
NOTE : It's a good idea to bring with you someone who knows to play piano and who can detect if something is wrong with the piano.
TIPS to make a good deal:
From the exterior aspect of the piano, it is considered like a musical instrument?
The furniture is in good shape?
The interior of the piano is clean?
- All notes are functional?
The last time the piano has been tune: 1 year (excellent), 2-5 years (good), 5-15 years (has to be check), 15 years and more (not advised except evaluation from a piano tuner)
- Some repairs were made recently ? Long ago? (ask for the invoices)
The keyboard look straight? (mechanical adjustement maintained)
- Open the panel under the keyboard so you can see:
- If the pedals are operated? (2 or 3 pedals)
- If the soundboard is cracked? (specialy old pianos)
- If the strings bridge is cracked? (with a flash light little cracks around small metal pins
NOTE: After that, if you still interested to buy the piano and you want to be shure of it : contacted me and i will go to make a thorough evaluation with you.