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Tuner & Piano Technician

How to sell a piano :

When you want to sell your piano it's advisable to have the piano checked by a piano tuner. He will provide feedback for your instrument and help you to fix an adequate price.

It is better to tune or repair your piano before sell it because  mostly the person who comes play the piano or comes with someone play the piano.




TIPS for the best sale:

  • Clear your piano so that the buyer may have a better look outside and inside the piano.
  • Haved with you the purchase invoices, tuning invoices or repair invoices. These are excellent tools to sell your piano.
  • Tell the story of your piano. When you buy it, who was playing the piano in your family. Why do you sell your piano.


NOTE : Buy a piano is very IMPORTANT.

Let the buyer found in LOVE with your piano. Most of the time IT'S HAPPENING like that.